Methow Cycle and Sport

Methow Cycle and Sport is on land that was Henry “Harry” Greene’s homestead. Harry was Guy Waring’s eldest stepson, and when the Waring family went back east after their first trading company store burned in the winter of 1893, Harry stayed and applied for a homestead, which became most of downtown Winthrop and land on the west side of the Chewuch River where the baseball field and Mack Lloyd Park are. Harry sold most of his 160-acre homestead to Waring’s Methow Trading Company, and the business short platted and sold town lots.

The land for Greene’s homestead is in Township 34 Range 21 Section 2 and 3. Below are the 1920 Waterville Title Company map of Section 2-3 

2024 Okanogan County Assessor’s map of Section 2-3.

Harry Greene on Horseback

Harry Greene

The Methow Cycle and Sport property’s history includes the earliest town park, Riverside Park. It is now named Mack Lloyd Park. In the mid-1900s, the park was used for picnics, 4th of July celebrations and speeches and as a rest stop near town. Across the street was the baseball field (still the same location) and for a while the Winthrop Rodeo grounds. Baseball games were summer Sunday afternoon social events, and the Winthrop and Twisp rivalry dates from this time and activity.

Ladies picnicing in Park-like setting, 1912

Winthrop band returning from Winthrop's 4th of July parade, 1912. Uncle sam is Charles Dibble, Winthrop Homesteader

Picnic Dinner at Riverside Park, Winthrop 1908

Simon Shafer and wife Joyce owned this land for many years after Harry Greene.   "Simon Shafer was the most successful entrepreneur and philanthropist Winthrop has ever seen before 1950. Starting from being “broke” in 1923, he evolved his holdings into a large general merchandise store, expanding into apple orchards, packing sheds, warehouses and into the potato business. He had the remarkable ability during the depression years to barter in lieu of cash and give credit for the hard pressed over long periods of time. Many families in later years spoke with admiration how they had been helped by Simon Shafer during those depression years. Equally important is what he and his family gave back to the community including financing Winthrop’s Town Baseball Team in the late 1930s and early 1940s. and creation of the Shafer Museum followed by enthusiastic community support.........................." Dale Dibble quoted from "Pioneer Families"

1934 Metsker Map shows land owned by S.W. Shafer who still owned this land in 1959 according to that Metsker Map.

Simon Shafer 1940s

ball game in Winthrop. photo takin from above field.  Notice there are no buildings where Methow Cycle and Sport is today.

In modern times, Methow Cycle and Sport provides locals and visitors with equipment for cycling, skiing, snowshoeing, and floating on rivers and lakes - but those activities have been important ways to have fun and get around in the Methow Valley for many years.

Roberta Fender

Therriault Children

l-r Cousin, Lawrence, Cousin, Lorraine, and Jack

(Lawrence, Lorraine, and Jack are siblings)

Photo taken in Twisp late 20s-early 30s

Roberta Fender skiing in spring - or on a dare?  If she were around today, she would likely work at Methow Cycle and Sport!!

Bill and Tom Graves skiing at the GRaves Ranch on the south end of pearrygin lake circa 1938

Jack Stewart and stepdaughter Gretchen Tinley on skis with a dog.  Mazama area

Skiing near the Haase-kennison cabin near Billygoat Pass-probably doing some trapping

A rest stop on the Azurite Mine Trail

A group of unidentified ladies pose for a photo aboard a canoe named LaBlanche

Hazard and Zora BAllard

Julie Muyllaert and Joe Brown



29 State Rte 20

Winthrop, WA 98862
